Monday 15 November 2010

Shot examples

Here are some examples of the shots we will include in our preliminary task:

Close up
A close up is effective by showing an item or feature of importance, therefore drawing the viewers' attention onto that thing - a prop of narrative significance, such as a murder weapon may be shown to the viewer, or some eyes, etc.

Establishing shot
An establishing shot is useful and effective by giving an overall glimpse of a location in which the scene or main plot is set. 

Long shot
Long shots can show more than one character in one view, or one character from a distance. This shot would include head-to-toe views of the character and is effective, for example, of a character down a spooky character. 

Reaction shot
A reaction shot is commonly used in conversations, and shows the reaction, for example to an event or something that has been said. It is effective as it can explicitly show to the viewer, the emotions of the character.

Shot reverse Shot
Shot reverse shot is used mainly in conversations, often using over the shoulder shots. It is effective as it can show who is speaking and the other person's reactions to this. 

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